
  • Status Update

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, so I wanted to give you all an update on what’s new with me. In April, I met with my endocrinologist and we made some changes to my medication that have helped a lot with controlling my seizures and minimizing the accompanying brain fog. This helped me get out of the slump I’d been stuck in since Februaryβ€”I’ve had a much…

  • A confession and a new strategy

    I tried a few different ways of saying this, but I’m going to keep it brief because it’s unpleasant and I just don’t like talking about this on the internet. My health has gotten very bad over the last two months. Not bad like I’m going to die, just bad in that I am not able to function. I am still learning how to navigate my life with unpredictable health,…

  • Everything you wanted to know about Lyssa but were afraid to ask

    After procrastinating on it for quite some time, I’ve decided to post a little bit of an FAQ about myself so that if you see me mentioning something on social media you won’t be like, “WTF is she talking about?” Writing & Book Stuff Q: Who designs your book covers? Most of my covers are created by the ever-awesome Qamber Designs. The exceptions are Magic at Midnight, which was designed…