
  • FiYoCrapMo Year 2: Finishing more crap

    Last year I posted about why I don’t usually participate in NaNoWriMo, simply because I can’t keep up with that sort of pace without completely burning out (and, since my health problems started, making myself so sick I can’t function for the rest of the month). What I did last year, though, was follow this adviceย and treat November as FiYoCrapMoโ€”short for “Finish Your Crap Month.” In looking back at my…

  • FiYoCrapMo

    Even though I’m a writer, I can’t really hang with NaNoWriMo. I just can’t write that fast, I always wind up getting burnout. During the summer, I do like to do Camp NaNoWriMo, which lets you set your own word count goal. I usually set it to a much more reasonable amount, like 10-20,000 words. Nevertheless, it’s hard to escape NaNo mania in November. But this time around, I saw…