new world

  • NEW WORLD is here!

    Today’s the day! I’m so excited to finally be releasing New World, the second novel of the Iamos Trilogy, into the wild today! Available now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, Google Play, Gumroad, and a bunch of other places! As you may remember from my last post, there was a kerfuffle with the print editions that led to a delay on the preorders getting up at various retailers…

  • What’s the deal with the print edition of NEW WORLD?

    In my newsletter that went out on Friday, I said that the files had been submitted to the printer and that the book should be available for preorder everywhere soon. Well, I messed up, because the files I submitted to IngramSpark had the wrong ISBN on them. This is why you don’t work when tired. Customer service was able to correct the ISBN almost immediately, but for some reason the…

  • New World Official Release Date

    I finally have an official release date for New World! The second full novel of the Iamos Trilogy will be released on September 25, 2018 from Snowy Wings Publishing. At last! 🎉 With the official release date comes the long-overdue preorder. The book’s been up for preorder at non-Amazon retailers for several months now, with ever-fluctuating publication dates. Now that the date has been finalized, it is now additionally available for…

  • An announcement about The Iamos Trilogy (sort of)

    I posted about this on Twitter today, but I want to post about it everywhere so everyone sees it (this should push to Goodreads and Amazon, too, so hi everyone!): there’s a bit of a restructuring going on with The Iamos Trilogy. Well, not really, but I just wanted to get everyone’s attention about this now so you’re not like WTF  when New World comes out. If you’re here, then…

  • Magic at Midnight ARCs going out today!

    The proofing stage for Magic at Midnight is complete, which means the book is done! If you didn’t see the pictures I posted of the paperback proof on Instagram the other day: The paperback is suuuuper pretty and the illustrations came our very nice! I’m excited for everyone to see it. ARCs will be going out later today, once my body stops screaming at me long enough to let me…

  • Magic at Midnight done! Next up: New World

    Amy and I are all finished with edits for Magic at Midnight, and it’s been formatted and is in the final proof stage now! The authors are reviewing their proof copies of the ebook and when that’s done we’ll be able to send ARCs out, hopefully around the first of May. If you’re interested in receiving an ebook ARC and leaving a review, you can sign up here! I’m excited…

  • March is Survival Month! And other news

    I have a backlog of news items that I wanted to post while I was in the middle of site redesign limbo, so here it all is in a catch-up post! First of all, another $0.99 sale (and other books you can get for cheap): March is Survival Month Last month I participated in The Kraken Collective‘s #KrakenFriends2018 anniversary sale, but I made a mistake: I ran my promotion as a…

  • Everything is $0.99!

    The Kraken Collective, publisher of Cheerleaders From Planet X, is turning one on February 1. To celebrate, all our books are on sale for $0.99 from now through the first—and, in fact, all my books are on sale, not just Cheerleaders! Yes, for the first time ever, Different Worlds is on sale for $0.99 as well! That’s because New World is tiptoeing closer to its release… it may even be up for preorder at a handful of retailers. (Note: that may…

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