Guide to rep in my books

A lot of my books have LGBT rep in them, but not all of them do. So I thought it would be helpful to make a quick guide to all my books and short stories so that you have an idea of what to look for based on your interests!

The Iamos Trilogy + Tie-Ins

  • Fourth World, New World, One World: demisexual main character, asexual main character | m/f ace/demi romance
  • Different Worlds: straight main characters | m/f romance
  • “The Choice”: unspecified | no romance
  • “Sea-Stars and Sand Dollars” (Brave New Girls vol. 3): lesbian main character | f/f romance
  • “The Stars Watching” (Patreon exclusive): straight main character | m/f romance

Other Novels

  • Cheerleaders from Planet X: lesbian main character | f/f romance
  • Just Like the First Time (upcoming): asexual lesbian main character | f/f ace/allo romance

Short Stories

  • “Gale” (Perchance to Dream): unspecified[1]In an interview I gave on Tumblr back in 2015, I mentioned that I mentally thought of Miranda as asexual, but this is not anywhere in the text so I wouldn’t count this as ace rep. If I were to … Continue reading | f/f romance
  • “Seven Years Among Dragons” (Wings of Renewal): unspecified | no romance
  • “CinderellA.I.” (Magic at Midnight): straight main character | m/f romance
  • “The Cursed Tower” (A Touch of Magic): unspecified | no romance
  • “Witch” (A Touch of Magic): lesbian main character | no romance
  • “Redfeather” (Clarion Call vol. 2): lesbian main character | no romance
  • “Being Tamika” (Overmorrow): unspecified | no romance
  • “Feathers on the Wind” (Sing, Goddess!): straight main character | m/f romance
  • “Star-Heart” (newsletter exclusive): straight main character | m/f romance
  • “My Sister’s FiancΓ©” (Patreon exclusive): lesbian main character | no romance | CW: aphobia
  • “Demon’s Breath” (Patreon exclusive): bisexual main character | f/f romance (implied)


1 In an interview I gave on Tumblr back in 2015, I mentioned that I mentally thought of Miranda as asexual, but this is not anywhere in the text so I wouldn’t count this as ace rep. If I were to do it over now, I would either make it more clear in the text or else not say in interviews that I consider her ace.

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