The CHEERLEADERS FROM PLANET X audiobook is here!

I’m so excited to announce that my first-ever audiobook is available NOW! Cheerleaders from Planet X, narrated by the incredibly awesome Adrian Mayes, is available today on Audible, Amazon and iTunes.

Available Now From…

Audible | Amazon | iTunes

The creation of this audiobook was such a wonderful experience for me. Because I was so sick while writing most of the book, and then I had surgery literally 3 days after turning it into my editor, parts of it were kind of fuzzy to me. So hearing the story brought to life like this was amazing for meβ€”there were a number of parts that I didn’t really remember, so they took me by surprise! And Adrian Mayes is such an amazing actor, if I closed my eyes I often felt like I was watching a movie version of my own book.

I’m so excited to share this audiobook with you all, and I hope you love it as much as I do.

And I have a special favor to ask of you: Audiobook narrators are notoriously underpaid. One way to ensure that they get compensated what they deserve is through Audible’s bounty program, which pays a pretty hefty bonus to both the author and the narrator if their book is the first one a new customer purchases after creating an Audible account. However, Amazon recently redid their bounty program to make it more difficult for producers to be paid what they deserve. Now instead of automatically paying the bounty whenever someone starts an Audible subscription and buys your book, they’ll only pay it if new subscribers click a special link.

If you’ve been interested in opening an Audible subscription and would like to help ensure awesome narrators like Adrian get paid what they deserve, please purchase Cheerleaders from Planet X through this link. (I also used this link on the clickthrough on the image above, as well as on the Audible link above, and on the book’s page on this website.)

Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy the audiobook of Cheerleaders from Planet X, whether you’re reliving the adventure or experiencing it for the first time in audio format!

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