Update on print preorders + preorder campaign for One World

Good news! Preorders for the print editions of One World are becoming available across retailers as we speak. You can preorder the paperback of One World from a variety of sources, including your local indie bookstore through Bookshop.org. The hardcover will also be available in the coming days.

I wanted to make a quick post for all of you regarding the pricing. Because the book is quite long (print edition is 560 pages), it’s expensive, with the hardcover coming in at $28.99 and the paperback at $22.99. These are both US pricesโ€”they will be substantially higher in regions like Canada and Australia, unfortunately. ๐Ÿ˜• If you are planning on purchasing your paperback through Amazon, I recommend you wait until release day to buy, because once I’m able to publish the paperback through KDP (they don’t allow preorders, so the preorder that’s showing currently is sourced through IngramSpark), the price is going to drop down to $18.99. That’s because Amazon’s base printing cost is cheaper, and by using KDP only for selling on Amazon, I can price lower since I don’t have to factor in the distribution costs. While the price will be a bit higher in Australia and Canada, it will still be better than it’s showing for you currently.

To help out anyone who’s interested, I am going to extend the preorder campaign to allow anyone who buys the book before November 1 to qualify for the free swag. So if you want to get a print copy but could really use that extra $4 USD discount, you will still be able to get the free goodies.

That said, theย best deal you will get is to buy the book directly from me through my publisher’s website. The price there is $15.99 for the paperback and $22.99 for the hardcover. The only thing is, the shipping is fiddly. The default international shipping is HIGH because of how much sending through the post office costs. However, in most cases, I can send it directly from the printer and that will be much cheaper. So if you’re an international reader and you’d like to order a copy from me at that $15.99/$22.99 price, send me an email and I will work with you directly!

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