Magic at Midnight done! Next up: New World

Amy and I are all finished with edits for Magic at Midnight, and it’s been formatted and is in the final proof stage now! The authors are reviewing their proof copies of the ebook and when that’s done we’ll be able to send ARCs out, hopefully around the first of May. If you’re interested in receiving an ebook ARC and leaving a review, you can sign up here!

I’m excited to get the paperback proof to see how the illustrations come out. I don’t remember if I ever mentioned it before, but the paperback edition is illustrated! The digital proof of the paperback looks great, so I can’t wait to get the real thing in my hands. πŸ˜€

Now that Magic at Midnight is done, it’s full steam ahead on New World. I keep looking at what’s done and what’s left to do and I still think I can get it done in time? But I’m not 100% sure, which is why I haven’t set up a preorder on Amazon (the places it’s available for preorder currently allow you to change your preorder date, but Amazon does not). I have a backup release date for if June 26 doesn’t work out, which would be July 17. I don’t think it would need to be pushed back more than that, if it needs to be at all. Magic at Midnight did take up more time than I was thinking it would (I guess since it’s been 3 years since the last time I edited an anthology, I wasn’t remembering the workload), but by the same token, I still have two months. So. We’ll see! I’ll keep you all posted. And I’ll be sure to post pictures of the Magic at Midnight paperback once I get those!

Don’t forget, the ebook of Magic at Midnight is available for preorder for just $0.99! Thanks to everyone who’s preordered it so farβ€”it’s held that shiny bestseller tag for several weeks now!

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